[cover image][560 pages] July 2021
Law at work 2021 - the trade union guide to employment law
Out of print  |
The 2021 edition of Law at Work has been updated to include all new and current employment legislation, along with the most up-to-date case law examples. Law at Work 2021 clearly explains the key areas of employment law, enabling reps and individuals to identify their legal rights. Law at Work, unlike other publications on employment law, examines the law from the perspective of trade unions and workers. This edition includes information about the ongoing effect of the coronavirus pandemic. It remains an essential resource for anyone interested in understanding and protecting workers' rights at work.[More ...]

[cover image][112 pages] January 2022
Case law at work (18th edition)
Price: £17.20  | Buy  | Buy Ebook  |Discounts  |
This is the 18th edition of Case Law at Work, the LRD’s key source of information on recent employment law cases. It contains clear summaries of important cases, plus commentary on their practical implications for union reps when representing members. Many of these cases will not be found in other guides.[More ...]
Save 30% when you buy all eighteen editions of Case law at work - See Case Law at Work series for details.

[cover image][104 pages] November 2021
Disciplinary and grievance procedures - a guide for union reps
Price: £15.60  | Buy  | Discounts  |
Representing members in disciplinary and grievance hearings is a fundamental part of the role of a trade union rep. This LRD booklet explains what makes a fair disciplinary or grievance procedure and the importance of clear and transparent policies that are followed consistently and fairly. Handling a disciplinary or grievance effectively can avoid the need to take a claim to a tribunal, or can give the employee the best chances of success if legal action becomes necessary. This booklet contains plenty of case examples to illustrate how reps can avoid the potential pitfalls and secure the best possible outcome for their members. Good conflict resolution benefits more than just the individual worker: it can raise confidence within the workplace and help to build a strong union branch.[More ...]
Save 15% on 3 esssential legal guides - See Legal booklet package for details.

[cover image][272 pages] October 2021
Health and Safety Law 2021
Out of print  |
Trade unions and their safety reps have demonstrated throughout the Covid pandemic that union workplaces are safer workplaces. In order to carry out their vital role, reps need to know about their rights and their employers’ obligations to help them take action to keep their members safe, both in workplaces and working from home. This latest edition of the Labour Research Department’s guide to health and safety law has been updated since the government swept away legal restrictions and social distancing aimed at preventing the spread of Covid-19 infection from 19 July. It reflects the fact that the government’s BEIS business department guidelines on making 14 different types of workplace “Covid-Secure”, that unions had an input into developing, have now been replaced by six sets of Working safely during coronavirus (COVID-19): guidance which the TUC described as rushed through, inadequate, and a “recipe for chaos and rising infections”. This is also the first post-Brexit edition of Health and Safety Law. It looks at the immediate impact of the UK’s departure from the European Union on the UK health and safety system, and what could happen in the longer term. Health and Safety Law 2021 aims to provide safety reps and other trade union reps with a comprehensive guide to health and safety law and guidance as they work through the pandemic and beyond. It sets out the law using clear and practical language, explains the changes that have taken place since the last edition, and details any forthcoming changes in the year ahead. [More ...]
Save 15% on four booklets for pandemic times - See Covid-19 booklet package for details.

[cover image][128 pages] January 2021
Case law at work - 17th edition
Price: £17.95  | Buy  | Buy Ebook  |Discounts  |
This is the 17th edition of Case Law at Work, the LRD’s key source of information on recent employment law cases. It contains clear summaries of important cases, plus commentary on their practical implications for union reps when representing members. Many of these cases will not be found in other guides.[More ...]
Save 30% when you buy all eighteen editions of Case law at work - See Case Law at Work series for details.

[cover image][68 pages] September 2020
Defending terms and conditions - a legal guide for union reps
Price: £9.95  | Buy  | Buy Ebook  |Discounts  |
This new LRD guide sets out in a clear and accessible way the legal responses available when employers try to worsen existing contractual rights. It explains: • contractual rights and the right not to suffer unlawful wage deductions; • how unions can respond to “dismissal and re-engagement” threats by employers; • how “flexibility terms” work; • how to use equality laws and other statutory rights to defend terms and conditions; • when section 188 consultation is required and what this means; and • union rights, including members’ rights not to be made an unlawful offer to abandon collective bargaining. Most of the legal remedies covered in this guide are based on individual rights. But legal rights can only take members so far, and the guide also looks at wider union organising strategies to defend members’ terms and conditions, with examples of union successes. [More ...]

[cover image][120 pages] January 2020
Case law at work - 16th edition)
Price: £16.35  | Buy  | Discounts  |
This is the 16th edition of Case Law at Work, the LRD’s key source of information on recent employment law cases. Courts and tribunals decide how employment legislation should be interpreted. Their decisions provide a valuable insight into how unfairness at work can most appropriately be challenged and how, in practice, judges find a balance between competing claims. This annual LRD booklet contains clear summaries and updates of important cases, many of which are not contained in other legal guides.[More ...]
Save 30% when you buy all eighteen editions of Case law at work - See Case Law at Work series for details.

[cover image][72 pages] November 2019
Redundancy law - a guide for union reps
Price: £10.80  | Buy  | Discounts  |
Redundancy remains a constant threat for many, and continued cuts to funding in the public sector mean that job losses are a regular hazard. This LRD guide sets out the law on redundancy and aims to help union reps and their members navigate the redundancy process. It explains union rights to challenge mass redundancies through the collective consultation procedure as well as individual rights and what constitutes a fair procedure.[More ...]
Save 15% on four booklets for pandemic times - See Covid-19 booklet package for details.

[cover image][56 pages] October 2019
Whistleblowing - a guide to the law
Price: £8.95  | Buy  | Discounts  |
This booklet sets out the law and policy governing whistleblowing in the UK. It explains how whistleblowing law currently works, the main pitfalls and concerns, and the key proposals for reform. It also looks at developments in whistleblowing law at European level (the new European Union Whistleblowing Directive) and explains the various ways in which the protection provided by the Directive, once in force, will exceed that which is available under UK law, once the UK is no longer an EU member state.[More ...]

[cover image][48 pages] March 2019
Employment tribunals - a guide for union reps and workers
Price: £8.95  | Buy  | Discounts  |
The employment tribunal system has become more complex and formal as it has adapted to deal with an increasing volume of employment legislation and extensive legal rules. This LRD booklet explains how the employment tribunal process works and gives advice to union reps and workers on deciding whether to bring a claim and how to prepare for it. While not a complete guide to tribunal practice and procedure, the booklet offers practical guidance on issues including time limits, what evidence to collect, what a hearing is like, costs, risks and benefits, possible outcomes and how to approach settlement.[More ...]

[cover image][128 pages] January 2019
Case law at work - 15th edition
Price: £16.55  | Buy  | Discounts  |
This is the 15th edition of Case Law at Work, the LRD's key source of information on recent employment law cases. This annual LRD booklet contains clear summaries and updates of important cases, many of which are not contained in other legal guides.[More ...]
Save 30% when you buy all eighteen editions of Case law at work - See Case Law at Work series for details.

[cover image][144 pages] October 2018
Equality Law at Work 2018 - a guide for trade unions and working people
Price: £19.95  | Buy  | Discounts  |
Achieving equality at work is a core value shared across the trade union movement. But equality legislation is detailed and complex and dealing with it can be problematic. Equality Law at Work is designed to cut through the complexity and provide a comprehensive guide to equality law. Written from the point of view of working people, it aims to be a practical tool for union negotiators, reps and members who need to understand how equality law works and how to apply it to everyday work situations.[More ...]

[cover image][112 pages] January 2018
Case law at work - 14th edition
Price: £13.90  | Buy  | Discounts  |
This is the 14th edition of Case Law at Work, the LRD’s key source of information on recent employment law cases. It contains clear summaries and updates of important cases decided by the appeal courts, many of which are not contained in other legal guides.[More ...]
Save 30% when you buy all eighteen editions of Case law at work - See Case Law at Work series for details.

[cover image][80 pages] November 2017
TUPE - a union rep’s guide to using the law
Price: £10.00  | Buy  | Buy Ebook  |Discounts  |
The transfer of undertakings is a key area of concern for trade unions. When a service is outsourced or a business changes hands, reps and negotiators need a thorough understanding of the TUPE regulations and the protections they provide. Although TUPE protections were scaled down in 2014, through the Collective Redundancies and Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) (Amendment) Regulations, the TUPE regulations still provide important safeguards, especially relating to key representation rights for union reps and negotiators. This updated booklet aims to support union members, reps and negotiators by explaining the complexities of TUPE, the new regulations and the latest case law.[More ...]
Save 15% on 3 esssential legal guides - See Legal booklet package for details.

[cover image][76 pages] September 2017
Taking industrial action - a legal guide
Price: £10.00  | Buy  | Discounts  |
UK laws on industrial action were already some of the most restrictive in the developed world before the draconian Trade Union Act 2016 came into force. On 1 March 2017 that Act, described by the TUC as “the most serious attack on the rights of trade unions and their members in a generation”, introduced an extra layer of restrictions on balloting, notice and picketing. This booklet aims to help union reps and negotiators understand the restrictions, navigate them and discover what they can do within those confines. It also looks at other types of action unions are taking to meet their objectives in helping members improve their pay and conditions when a dispute arises.[More ...]
Save 15% on 3 esssential legal guides - See Legal booklet package for details.

[cover image][64 pages] August 2017
Time off for trade union duties and activities - a guide to facility time
Price: £8.30  | Buy  | Discounts  |
Union facility time is vital if union reps are to support their members effectively. But it has faced consistent government attack over the past seven years. The Trade Union Act 2016 contains even more restrictions, albeit currently targeting only public sector facility time. This fully updated booklet explains the legal rights of each category of workplace rep, with cases and examples throughout, as well as the new legal reporting duties placed on public sector employers. It includes best practice examples of negotiated agreements and illustrates some of the practical steps being taken by unions and their reps to best protect these rights, now and for the future. [More ...]

[cover image][127 pages] January 2017
Case law at work - 13th edition
Price: £15.35  | Buy  | Discounts  |
This is the 13th edition of Case Law at Work, the LRD’s key source of information on recent employment law cases. It contains clear summaries and updates of important cases decided by the appeal courts, many of which are not contained in other legal guides.[More ...]
Save 30% when you buy all eighteen editions of Case law at work - See Case Law at Work series for details.

[cover image][78 pages] December 2016
Performance management and capability procedures - a guide for union reps and negotiators
Price: £10.15  | Buy  | Discounts  |
Punitive and dysfunctional performance management systems and capability processes top the workplace agenda for a growing number of union reps. Low morale, raised levels of mental ill-health, distress and discriminatory outcomes are just some of the effects experienced by workers. In addition, where performance is linked to pay, these systems undermine collective bargaining and pay transparency, and stand in the way of decent pay for all workers. This booklet from the LRD highlights a range of successful campaign tactics being used by unions that are having a positive impact across a variety of workplaces. It also contains practical guidance to help reps support individual members, either during the informal stages of the appraisal process or at the formal capability stage, where a member faces possible dismissal.[More ...]

[cover image][104 pages] January 2016
Case law at work - 12th edition
Price: £11.95  | Buy  | Buy Ebook  |Discounts  |
This is the 12th edition of Case Law at Work, the Labour Research Department’s unique source of information on recent employment law cases. It contains clear and concise summaries of employment tribunal cases and updates of important cases decided by the Employment Appeal Tribunal, many of which are not included in other legal guides.[More ...]
Save 30% when you buy all eighteen editions of Case law at work - See Case Law at Work series for details.

[cover image][104 pages] January 2015
Case law at work - 11th edition
Price: £11.50  | Buy  | Discounts  |
This is the 11th edition of Case Law at Work, the Labour Research Department's unique source of information on recent employment law cases. It contains clear and concise summaries of employment tribunal cases and updates of important cases decided by the Employment Appeal Tribunal, many of which are not contained in other legal guides.[More ...]
Save 30% when you buy all eighteen editions of Case law at work - See Case Law at Work series for details.

[cover image][88 pages] November 2014
Unfair dismissal - a legal guide for union reps
Price: £9.45  | Buy  | Discounts  |
Unfair dismissal legislation has been a main target of the coalition government’s ongoing attack on employment rights. This means that union and employee representatives need to have a good grasp of the current law on dismissal and their members’ rights to job protection. This legal guide is fully updated and looks in detail at new developments affecting unfair dismissal, including the extension of the qualifying period for claims, rule changes meaning that the majority of unfair dismissal claims are heard by a judge sitting alone, the introduction of Acas Early Conciliation, cuts to compensation awards and the impact of “protected conversations”. This LRD guide will help union members, reps and full-time officers to understand how the law operates and what the different types of dismissal are.[More ...]

[cover image][87 pages] August 2014
Casualisation at work - a guide for trade union reps
Price: £9.45  | Buy  | Discounts  |
The aftermath of the recession in the UK has seen a deep, fundamental structural labour market shift, with growing levels of involuntary casualisation firmly linked to low pay, low skills, minimal training, stunted career development and poor prospects. This LRD booklet, aimed at trade union reps and members, looks in detail at the main forms of casualisation that have developed over the last six years and the actions being taken by trade unions to fight back. It covers the use of payroll companies, false self-employment, the spread of umbrella companies and personal service companies, the growth of zero hours contracts and agency working, as well as detailing workers‘ basic statutory rights.[More ...]