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2025 all issues

[cover image][113 pages] February 2025
Case Law at Work 2025 21st Edition
Price: £21.75  | Buy  | Discounts  | Subscribe
This is the 21st edition of Case Law at Work, LRD’s annual summary of recent employment law cases. It contains details of cases that are of significance to trade unions, with commentary on their practical implications for union reps. Some of the areas covered: The employment law system Pay and conditions Discrimination TUPE Dismissal Redundancy Categories of worker Trade union rights Whistle blowing Tribunal procedures Case law at work is a companion to LRD’s annual employment law handbook Law at Work. Together, LRD’s Case Law at Work and Law at Work provide an overview of workers’ employment rights, explaining the law in an accessible way, with case examples providing insight into the way the law is applied in practice. They are an invaluable resource for reps involved in negotiating, disciplinary and grievance hearings, and answering members’ day-to-day queries. [More ...]

[cover image][48 pages] January 2025
The Employment Rights Bill
Price: £8.50  | Buy  | Discounts  | Subscribe
The Labour government delivered on its commitment to introduce an Employment Rights Bill within its first 100 days of government. It was laid before parliament on 10 October 2024. This LRD guide looks in detail at what the bill contains, including: offers of “guaranteed hours” to workers on zero-hours or minimum hours contracts; day one unfair dismissal rights and the new statutory probation period; restrictions on fire and rehire; repeal of the most restrictive industrial action laws; sick pay and parental leave rights from day one; and collective bargaining in the care sector and for school support staff. Consultation on some of the bill’s provisions has begun and the bill has reached the committee stage of its progress through Parliament. This guide includes amendments proposed by the committee. This LRD guide will help unions prepare for what’s coming and give union reps information they need to start negotiating for a better deal.[More ...]