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[cover image][68 pages] May 2024
Tackling bullying and harassment at work
Price: £12.25  | Buy  | Discounts  | Subscribe
Bullying and harassment is a daily reality for many workers, making their working lives intolerable. The issue is a major concern for unions, ranked second only to stress as the hazard most likely to be reported by union safety reps. However, unions and workers do not have to accept this. Employers have a legal duty to tackle bullying and harassment and there is action that can be taken to deal with the problem. This updated guide arms union reps with the information they need to tackle bullying and harassment at work and help prevent it from happening in the first place. It provides examples of best practice, how bullying and harassment is treated by the law and how best to provide support and representation for members who are being bullied and/or harassed at work.[More ...]

[cover image][48 pages] April 2024
Data protection and monitoring An LRD guide to privacy at work
Price: £9.50  | Buy  | Discounts  | Subscribe
Understanding how we are being monitored, and what is being done with our personal information, constitutes an important part of a union rep’s role in the 21st century. Monitoring in the workplace has become more commonplace, less visible and more intrusive. And while monitoring workers is not itself unlawful, there are nevertheless restrictions — and employers must comply with the legal rules for monitoring if they are to stay within the law. This trade union guide arms reps and their members with the information they need to make sure employers don’t overstep legal boundaries and that any use of surveillance technology does not go beyond the limits of the law. It: ƒ explains the legal framework — the law on data protection and other laws relevant to monitoring at work; ƒ examines how the law applies to monitoring in practice; and ƒ highlights the use of AI systems to keep tabs on workers and the additional considerations this entails. It suggests reps could approach employers to carry out an audit of all their monitoring activities, with a useful checklist appendix for this purpose.[More ...]

[cover image][110 pages] February 2024
Case Law at Work 20th Edition
Price: £19.75  | Buy  | Discounts  | Subscribe
This is the 20th edition of Case Law at Work, LRD’s annual summary of recent employment law cases. It contains details of cases that are of significance to trade unions, with commentary on their practical implications for union reps. Case Law at Work is a companion to LRD’s annual employment law handbook Law at Work. [More ...]