1. Introduction (852 words)
State Benefits & Tax Credits 2003 aims to provide a straightforward guide to the main state benefits currently available. It gives the new rates ...
2. Jobseeker's Allowance (2365 words)
Jobseeker's Allowance (JSA) is the main benefit available to those who are unemployed and seeking work. The JSA personal allowance is taxable but any ...
3. Statutory Sick Pay (1235 words)
If you are in paid work but fall ill for a period of four or more calendar days in a row you may qualify ...
4. Incapacity Benefit (1601 words)
Incapacity Benefit is a contributions-based benefit paid to qualifying individuals excluded from Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) (see chapter 3) and to those with a ...
5. Benefits for disabled people and their carers (1077 words)
If you have an illness or disability and are working, you may be entitled to Working Tax Credit (see chapter 15). If you are ...
6. Benefits for those with an industrial injury or disease (1164 words)
If you have had an accident at work or contracted an industrial disease you should be able to claim Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit (IIDB). ...
7. Maternity, paternity and adoption benefits (1942 words)
From 6 April 2003 fathers have the right to paid leave at the time of the child's birth and adoptive parents get the right ...
8. Child Benefit (262 words)
Child Benefit (CB) is a tax-free benefit paid to anyone responsible for a child living with them or contributing to the child's maintenance at ...
9. Bereavement benefits (774 words)
If your husband or wife dies you may be entitled to: ...
10. Retirement Pension (1559 words)
If you are nearing pension age - 65 for a man, 60 for a woman - you should make sure that your right to ...
11. Income Support (2118 words)
Income Support is a means-tested benefit available to those whose income is below a certain level. ...
12. Housing Benefit (1461 words)
Housing Benefit is a means-tested benefit to help those on a low income with the cost of their rent or similar payments (such as ...
13. Council Tax Benefit (1480 words)
Council Tax Benefit is a mean-tested benefit available to help those on a low income with the cost of their council tax. ...
14. Child Tax Credit (1125 words)
The Child Tax Credit is a new system of support for children starting in April 2003. All income-based benefit support for children will eventually ...
15. Working Tax Credit (1486 words)
From April 2003 the Working Tax Credit replaces the existing Working Families Tax Credit (WFTC), Disabled Person's Tax Credit (DPTC) and New Deal 50 ...
16. The Social Fund (744 words)
The social fund is a government fund that makes payments in certain circumstances. To be eligible, you must be in receipt of certain means-tested ...
Appendix 1: Applicable amounts for means-tested benefits (300 words)
The table shows the amounts used to calculate the "applicable amount" in respect of Income Support (IS), income-based Jobseeker's Allowance (JSA), Housing Benefit (HB), ...
Appendix 2: Further help and information (735 words)
Astral House, 1268 London Road, London SW16 4ER, tel: 020 8765 7200 or 0800 009966 for the factsheet helpline, www.ageconcern.org.uk ...