1. Introduction (339 words)
State Benefits 2001 aims to provide a straightforward guide to the main state benefits currently available. It gives the new rates of benefit effective ...
2. Job Seeker's Allowance (2087 words)
Job Seeker's Allowance (JSA) is the main benefit available to those who are unemployed and seeking work. The JSA personal allowance is taxable but ...
3. Statutory Sick Pay (1306 words)
If you are in paid work but fall ill for a period of four or more days in a row you may qualify for ...
4. Incapacity Benefit (1621 words)
Incapacity Benefit is a contributions-based benefit paid to qualifying individuals excluded from Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) (see page 10) and to those with a ...
5. Benefits for disabled people and their carers (1270 words)
If you have an illness or disability and are working you may be entitled to Disabled Person's Tax Credit (see page 65). If you ...
6. Benefits for those with an industrial injury or disease (1469 words)
The industrial injuries benefit scheme provides compensation through state benefits. The main benefit is Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit (IIDB). Claimants must be able to ...
7. Maternity benefits (1417 words)
You have the legal right not to be dismissed or made redundant for pregnancy-related reasons during your pregnancy and for the whole of your ...
8. Child Benefit (922 words)
Child Benefit (CB) is a tax free benefit paid to those responsible for looking after a child. ...
10. Retirement Pension (1623 words)
If you are nearing pension age - 65 for a man, 60 for a woman born before 6 April 1950 (but see page 43 ...
11. Means-tested benefits (316 words)
Calculating "applicable amounts" for means-tested benefits ...
12. Income Support (1830 words)
Income Support is a means-tested benefit available to those whose income is below a certain level. ...
13. Housing Benefit (1454 words)
Housing Benefit is a means-tested benefit to help those on a low income with the cost of their rent or similar payments (such as ...
14. Council Tax Benefit (1480 words)
Council Tax Benefit is a mean-tested benefit available to help those on a low income with the cost of their council tax. ...
15. Working Families Tax Credit (951 words)
Working Families Tax Credit (WFTC) is payable to low or middle income families who are working 16 or more hours a week, either for ...
16. Disabled Person's Tax Credit (794 words)
Disabled Person's Tax Credit (DPTC) is payable to people with an illness or disability who are in work. It is administered by the Inland ...
17. The Social Fund (889 words)
The social fund is a government fund that makes payments to people in certain circumstances. To be eligible, you must be in receipt of ...
18. Appeals (263 words)
If you are dissatisfied with a decision concerning your benefit you should consider an appeal to an Independent Tribunal. The process of appeals is ...
19. Further help and information (336 words)
This LRD booklet aims to provide a general guide to state benefits. You may also need specific advice about your individual situation. Your union ...