Introduction (1338 words)
This is the first annual edition of the Law at work. The Labour Research Department (LRD) has decided to produce its popular guide to ...
1. Categories of worker (2869 words)
An individual's status, that is whether they are an "employee", or a "worker" is very important in establishing their statutory rights. An "employee" is ...
2. Starting work and the employment contract (5246 words)
Most employers require a reference before they will employ someone. Young workers starting work for the first time are likely to come with references ...
3. Rights to pay and conditions (5171 words)
Under the National Minimum Wage Act 1998, UK workers have the right to a minimum wage, currently set at pst3.70 an hour for those ...
4. Union organisation (3446 words)
To gain access to many of the rights covered in this chapter, the union needs to be recognised by the employer. The law now ...
5. Discrimination (6239 words)
The law prohibits discrimination on the following specific grounds only: sex, race and nationality, disability and transsexuality. ...
6. Sick pay and sickness absence (1592 words)
Anyone off work on account of sickness should normally receive, as a minimum, statutory sick pay (SSP) which, for 2001/02, is pst62.20 for those ...
7. Maternity leave and pay (2368 words)
Employers have a general duty to protect the health and welfare of pregnant workers. This includes carrying out a risk assessment of any working ...
8. Industrial action (5658 words)
The law, as it applies to industrial action, covers not just strikes but lockouts, overtime bans (even where voluntary), go slows, working to rule, ...
9. Dismissal (8201 words)
Every year thousands of people pursue unfair dismissal claims. It is the largest single category of the claims coming before tribunals. Anyone who is ...
10. Redundancy (4885 words)
An employee is dismissed for redundancy, and may be entitled to redundancy pay, if either of the following occurs: ...
11. Business transfers and contracting out (3265 words)
If a company is bought out by another (except where the change occurs through a share transfer) or if a service is privatised or ...
12. The employment law system (2559 words)
In the UK there are two systems of law. Statutory law is the law enacted by Parliament. Statutory law provides the framework for most ...
Publications and Information (234 words)
Throughout the booklet references have been made to the relevant statutes. Copies of these can be obtained direct from The Stationary Office and from ...