Introduction (1119 words)
Since 15 December 1999 UK employees have had new legal rights to take leave from work in respect of their family or caring responsibilities. ...
1. Parental leave: the basic provisions (1190 words)
The legal right to parental leave is set out in the Maternity and Parental Leave Regulations 1999. This section is based on government guidance ...
2. Negotiating for parental leave (4130 words)
The Maternity and Parental Leave Regulations were produced by the government following an extensive consultation on the draft proposals. ...
3. Time off for dependants (3034 words)
The Maternity and Parental Leave Regulations give all employees the right to take "a reasonable period of time" off work to deal with an ...
4. Parental leave in Europe (1441 words)
By the end of 1999 the minimum provisions of the Parental Leave Directive were due to be implemented in all 15 member states of ...
Further information (289 words)
The Maternity and Parental Leave Regulations 1999, published by the Stationery Office, tel: 0345 023474, website: www.legislation. ...