Introduction (738 words)
The issue of work-related violence from members of the public is of increasing concern. Teachers, nurses, transport workers and many others are reporting increased ...
2. Causes of violence at work (424 words)
The reasons for violence at work are various. One of the underlying reasons for the rise appears to be the mismatch between people's expectations ...
3. The consequences of workplace violence (472 words)
Violence at work has consequences both for the individual victim and for employers. ...
4. Those at risk (1267 words)
The problem of violence at work is widespread, with people working with the public at greatest risk. The British Crime Survey (BCS) shows that ...
5. Identifying the problem (2005 words)
The first step in tackling violence at work, is to find out exactly what the problem is as the the causes are often complex ...
6. Developing a policy (529 words)
If there is a problem with violence in the workplace, the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) expects employers to have policies for tackling it. ...
7. Preventing workplace violence (2465 words)
Preventing violence at work is a complex issue which is why the risk assessment stage is crucial (see page 13). ...
8. Responding to violence at work (1090 words)
Emergency procedures ...
9. The law on violence at work (928 words)
Although there is no specific legislation aimed at controlling violence at work, employers have legal duties under both statutory and common law that are ...
Information and Advice (486 words)
Many unions produce their own guidance on dealing with violence at work and on lone workers. The following publications will also be useful. ...