LRD guides and handbook June 2015
Sickness absence and sick pay - a guide for trade union reps
Introduction [pages 3-4] (650 words)
None of us knows when we might need the support of a good sick pay scheme and a fair absence management policy. The issue brings together an element ... Subscribers only
Chapter 1
1. Current approaches to sickness absence [ch 1: page 5] (244 words)
The last five years have seen increased pressure on sick and disabled people, both in and out of work. Government changes to the benefit system, ... Subscribers only
Sickness absence statistics [ch 1: page 5] (119 words)
Days and working time “lost” [ch 1: pages 5-6] (242 words)
Decline in sickness absence [ch 1: page 6] (222 words)
Rise in presenteeism [ch 1: page 7] (242 words)
Public and private sectors — how real are the differences? [ch 1: pages 7-8] (445 words)
The impact of gender and age [ch 1: page 8] (180 words)
Workplace size and location [ch 1: pages 8-9] (175 words)
Hours and workload [ch 1: page 9] (146 words)
Occupation [ch 1: page 9] (160 words)
Caring responsibilities [ch 1: page 10] (111 words)
Short and long-term absence [ch 1: page 10] (226 words)
Underlying causes [ch 1: page 10] (202 words)
Musculoskeletal disorders [ch 1: pages 11-12] (251 words)
Stress and mental health problems [ch 1: page 12] (383 words)
Chapter 2
2. Developing absence management [ch 2: page 13] (346 words)
Despite the long-term decline in levels of sickness absence highlighted in Chapter 1, and growing recognition of the problems caused by stress, the ... Subscribers only
Employers’ basic legal responsibilities [ch 2: pages 13-14] (399 words)
Absence management framework [ch 2: pages 14-16] (515 words)
New framework, old measures [ch 2: page 16] (238 words)
Notifying and certifying sickness absence [ch 2: pages 16-17] (621 words)
The Fit Note [ch 2: pages 17-18] (453 words)
Keeping in touch [ch 2: pages 18-19] (237 words)
Return to work [ch 2: page 19] (273 words)
Trigger points [ch 2: page 20] (202 words)
The Bradford Factors system [ch 2: pages 20-21] (265 words)
Longer-term absence [ch 2: page 21] (234 words)
Fit for Work [ch 2: pages 21-23] (948 words)
Occupational Health Services [ch 2: pages 23-24] (233 words)
Capability and disciplinary procedures [ch 2: pages 24-25] (368 words)
Retention and rehabilitation [ch 2: page 25] (243 words)
Well-being and health promotion [ch 2: pages 25-26] (502 words)
Chapter 3
3. Specific legal rights and protections [ch 3: page 27] (182 words)
With benefits and sick pay under pressure and a harsher approach to sickness absence being taken by some employers, union reps will want to ensure ... Subscribers only
Disability [ch 3: pages 27-28] (475 words)
Definition of disability [ch 3: pages 28-29] (496 words)
Reasonable adjustments [ch 3: pages 29-31] (649 words)
Access to work [ch 3: page 31] (165 words)
Pregnancy, maternity and IVF [ch 3: pages 31-32] (537 words)
Gender [ch 3: pages 32-33] (213 words)
Age [ch 3: page 33] (293 words)
Race [ch 3: pages 34-35] (681 words)
Sexual orientation and gender reassignment [ch 3: pages 35-36] (319 words)
Domestic violence and partner abuse [ch 3: page 36] (202 words)
Part time and fixed-term workers [ch 3: pages 36-37] (195 words)
Zero-hours contracts [ch 3: page 37] (178 words)
Agency workers [ch 3: pages 37-38] (308 words)
Self-employment [ch 3: page 38] (190 words)
Flexible working [ch 3: pages 38-39] (282 words)
Dependants and family emergencies [ch 3: page 39] (113 words)
Holidays and sickness absence [ch 3: pages 39-40] (247 words)
Entitlement to paid leave [ch 3: page 40] (142 words)
Accumulating holiday while on leave [ch 3: page 40] (100 words)
Unable to take holiday due to sickness absence [ch 3: pages 40-41] (399 words)
“Use it or lose it” [ch 3: pages 41-42] (480 words)
Chapter 4
4. Sickness absence and pay [ch 4: page 43] (311 words)
The Black/Frost report (see page 13) highlighted studies suggesting a “causal link” between high sickness absence and generous occupational sick ... Subscribers only
Entitlement to sick pay [ch 4: pages 43-44] (280 words)
Contractual rights [ch 4: pages 44-46] (796 words)
Statutory sickness benefits [ch 4: page46-48 ] (749 words)
Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) [ch 4: pages 48-49] (267 words)
Eligibility for SSP [ch 4: pages 49-50] (503 words)
Disputes over SSP [ch 4: page 50] (210 words)
Employment and Support Allowance [ch 4: pages 50-51] (410 words)
Occupational sick pay [ch 4: pages 51-52] (464 words)
Sick pay changes in the public sector [ch 4: pages 52-53] (375 words)
Value of occupational sick pay [ch 4: pages 53-54] (394 words)
Duration of entitlement [ch 4: pages 54-55] (750 words)
Waiting days and minimum service [ch 4: pages 55-56] (394 words)
Work-related absence [ch 4: pages 56-57] (305 words)
Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit [ch 4: pages 57-58] (333 words)
Attendance incentives [ch 4: page 58] (184 words)
Pay during a phased return to work [ch 4: page 58] (168 words)
Transfers of employment [ch 4: pages 58-59] (204 words)
Second job [ch 4: pages 5960] (376 words)
Deductions from wages [ch 4: page 60] (223 words)
Chapter 5
5. Sickness and dismissal [ch 5: page 61] (230 words)
Most employers will have their own procedures for managing sickness absence including circumstances under which the possibility of dismissal can ... Subscribers only
Frustration of contract [ch 5: pages 61-62] (424 words)
Dismissal [ch 5: pages 62-63] (382 words)
Dismissal and disability [ch 5: page 63] (156 words)
Notice of dismissal while sick [ch 5: page 64] (178 words)
Medical evidence [ch 5: pages 64-65] (312 words)
Pregnancy-related dismissal [ch 5: page 65] (370 words)
Surveillance [ch 5: page 66] (456 words)
Gross misconduct [ch 5: page 67] (237 words)
Activity while off sick [ch 5: pages 67-68] (358 words)
Health and constructive dismissal [ch 5: pages 68-69] (513 words)
Checklist — Defending a member facing dismissal for long-term sickness [ch 5: pages 69-70] (331 words)
Further information
Further information [ch 5: pages 69-70] (175 words)
Statutory Sick Pay: ... Subscribers only