LRD guides and handbook April 2020
Skills for work - the union response to future needs
Further information
Introduction [pages 3-4] (655 words)
Rapid industrial change is taking place in the UK and globally, driven by automation and digitalisation and often referred to as the fourth ...
Open access
Chapter 1
1. Background [ch 1: page 5] (414 words)
The urgent need for an expansion of adult learning focusing on skills for the future is a global one. ...
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The UK skills crisis [ch 1: page 6] (245 words)
Employer response [ch 1: pages 6-7] (314 words)
Chapter 2
2. Automation and new technology [ch 2: page 8] (296 words)
Technological development and change has always disrupted jobs but an appropriate planned response to it can mitigate the scale of damage caused by ...
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Financial and insurance [ch 2: pages 8-9] (481 words)
Public services and automation [ch 2: pages 9-11] (603 words)
Manufacturing [ch 2: pages 11-12] (596 words)
Retail [ch 2: pages 12-13] (396 words)
Chapter 3
3. The climate crisis — green jobs and green skills [ch 3: page 14] (168 words)
Research carried out by YouGov has found that people of all ages, from all regions across the UK, are “looking for a job with environmental ...
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Trade union policy on climate change [ch 3: pages 14-15] (588 words)
Local and regional automation plans [ch 3: pages 16-17] (452 words)
Green/environment reps [ch 3: page 17] (88 words)
The Environment Bill [ch 3: page 17] (108 words)
Green energy jobs [ch 3: pages 17-19] (759 words)
Chapter 4
4. Current skills system problems [ch 4: page 20] (79 words)
The adult skills crisis in the UK has been exacerbated by historic and systemic skills training weaknesses and failures of government policy. These ...
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The apprenticeship levy [ch 4: pages 20-23] (1,541 words)
The need to expand adult learning and education [ch 4: pages 24-25] (763 words)
The need to tackle skills funding [ch 4: pages 25-26] (284 words)
Regional skills devolution [ch 4: pages 26-29] (1,222 words)
Chapter 5
5. Government proposals for change [ch 5: page 30] (65 words)
The March 2020 Budget was widely expected to include a number of key skills policy changes and proposals. However, the onset of the coronavirus ...
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The Augar Review [ch 5: pages 30-32] (943 words)
National Skills Fund and ‘right to retrain’ [ch 5: page 32] (252 words)
National Retraining Scheme [ch 5: page 33] (448 words)
Skills Advisory Panels [ch 5: page 34] (260 words)
Chapter 6
6. Rights to training [ch 6: page 35] (28 words)
Employees in the UK have few rights in relation to training but there are some, which are set out here. ...
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Right to request time to train [ch 6: pages 35-36] (601 words)
Time off for union learning reps [ch 6: pages 36-37] (305 words)
The Employment Act 2002 [ch 6: page 37] (123 words)
Acas Code of Practice [ch 6: pages 37-38] (340 words)
Chapter 7
7. Union action and initiatives [ch 7: page 39] (53 words)
This Chapter looks at the growth and involvement of trade unions in lifelong learning and skills provision detailing the development of the union ...
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Impact of unions on learning and skills [ch 7: page 39] (148 words)
The union record [ch 7: page 39] (76 words)
The Union Learning Fund [ch 7: pages 39-41] (543 words)
Union learning reps [ch 7: page 41-42] (428 words)
Supporting civil service learners ULF project [ch 7: page 42] (283 words)
Thomas Cook and Unite [ch 7: page 43] (294 words)
Unionlearn: Midlife Career Reviews [ch 7: pages 43-44] (425 words)
Unionlearn: Digital inclusion [ch 7: pages 44-45] (374 words)
Union Learning Fund and digital skills [ch 7: page 45] (275 words)
Unions continue to provide skills training despite coronavirus [ch 7: pages 46-47] (595 words)
Further information
Further information [page 48] (259 words)
Acas: Provides free and confidential advice to employers, employees and their representatives on employment rights, best practice and policies: ...
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