LRD guides and handbook May 2024

Tackling bullying and harassment at work

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Introduction [page 4] (691 words)

Bullying and harassment are common problems affecting many workers across all sectors of the economy. The latest (2022-23) TUC survey of trade union ...
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Chapter 1

1. What is bullying and harassment and how widespread is it? [page 6] (1,872 words)

This chapter describes the type of unwanted behaviours that constitute bullying and harassment and draws on Acas, the employment advice service and ...
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What is harassment? [page 10] (212 words)

The scale of the problem [page 11] (1,927 words)

The cost of bullying [page 16] (417 words)

Chapter 2

2. How can the law help? [page 18] (284 words)

In everyday language, the terms bullying and harassment are used almost interchangeably, but this is not adequately reflected in the law. While there ...
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Protection against harassment under the Equality Act 2010 [page 18] (2,632 words)

Health and safety laws [page 24] (1,393 words)

Employment Rights Act 1996 [page 28] (285 words)

The employment contract [page 28] (303 words)

Constructive dismissal [page 29] (197 words)

Compensation in the employment tribunal [page 30] (403 words)

Personal injury claims [page 31] (137 words)

Protection from Harassment Act 1997 [page 31] (233 words)

Other criminal offences [page 31] (227 words)

Union calls for improved legal protection against bullying and harassment [page 32] (1,049 words)

Chapter 3

3. How are unions tackling bullying and harassment? [page 35] (386 words)

This chapter looks at how unions and their reps can work together with employers to negotiate bullying and harassment, and sexual harassment, ...
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Working with employers [page 36] (911 words)

Examples of bullying and harassment policies, charters and commitments [page 38] (1,844 words)

Union action to tackle bullying and harassment [page 43] (1,653 words)

Putting our own houses in order — tackling bullying and harassment within the union movement [page 47] (1,418 words)

Chapter 4

4. Reporting bullying and harassment and representing and supporting members [page 51] (1,009 words)

This chapter looks at union and other advice on reporting mechanisms for bullying and harassment and how union reps should represent and support ...
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How should employers investigate complaints? [page 53] (190 words)

Resolving a complaint informally [page 54] (797 words)

Formal complaints [page 55] (631 words)

How should union reps handle bullying and harassment complaints from members? [page 57] (681 words)

Advice for union members experiencing bullying or harassment [page 59] (744 words)

Representing and supporting members accused of bullying and harassment [page 60] (256 words)

Further information

Further Information [page 62] (218 words)

Acas Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service. Acas helpline: 0300 123 1100 available Monday to Friday 8am-6pm; Acas has ...
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