LRD guides and handbook January 2025
The Employment Rights Bill

Introduction [page 3] (354 words)
On 4 July 2024, the Tories were ousted from power in their worst general election defeat in history. The Labour government was elected with a huge ... Subscribers only
What’s in the bill? [page 3] (662 words)
What’s missing? [page 5] (568 words)
Next steps [page 6] (430 words)
Chapter 1
1. Individual employment rights [page 8] (314 words)
Part 1 of the Employment Rights Bill makes changes to existing laws to extend or introduce additional rights for individuals. This chapter sets out ... Subscribers only
Offer of guaranteed hours [page 8] (1,301 words)
Repeal of “predictable terms” Act [page 11] (193 words)
Flexible working [page 12] (204 words)
Statutory sick pay [page 12] (202 words)
Tips [page 13] (190 words)
Family and compassionate leave [page 13] (411 words)
Protection from harassment [page 14] (498 words)
Unfair dismissal [page 15] (1,795 words)
Chapter 2
2. Other employment matters [page 20] (546 words)
Part 2 of the Employment Rights Bill proposes changes to three areas of collective employment rights. These are: ... Subscribers only
Protection of outsourced workers in the public sector [page 21] (207 words)
Equality action plans [page 22] (98 words)
Chapter 3
3. Public sector bargaining [page 23] (330 words)
Sectoral collective bargaining – where pay and conditions are negotiated with trade unions across a whole industry – was prevalent in post-war ... Subscribers only
School support staff [page 23] (164 words)
How will the SSSNB work? (417 words)
Adult social care [page 25] (752 words)
Chapter 4
4. Trade unions and industrial action [page 28] (250 words)
Part 4 of the Employment Rights Bill deals with amendments to laws relating to trade unions and industrial action, which are regulated by the Trade ... Subscribers only
Right of access to a workplace [page 28] (263 words)
Trade union recognition [page 29] (297 words)
Trade union finances [page 29] (192 words)
Trade union facilities [page 30] (536 words)
Blacklisting [page 31] (130 words)
Industrial action ballots and notice [page 32] (461 words)
Picket supervision [page 33] (283 words)
Protection against dismissal [page 33] (97 words)
Minimum service levels [page 34] (163 words)
Prison officers [page 34] (93 words)
Functions of the Certification Officer [page 34] (200 words)
Consultation [page 35] (158 words)
Chapter 5
5. Enforcement of labour market legislation [page 36] (584 words)
Most employment rights are enforced by individuals bringing a claim in an employment tribunal (or in Northern Ireland, an industrial tribunal or fair ... Subscribers only
Need for reform [page 37] (394 words)
The Fair Work Agency [page 38] (609 words)
Time limits [page 40] (190 words)