Introduction (668 words)
The government has set up the Work and Parents Taskforce to look into how to give working parents the right to work flexible or ...
1. The case for work-life policies (939 words)
Employees in the UK work the longest hours in Europe, and one in nine full-time employees works over 60 hours every week. Working patterns ...
2. Implementing work-life balance (1350 words)
The term work-life balance can cover a broad range of working arrangements, with different measures benefiting each individual. Some types of working hours and ...
3. Negotiating flexible working (4643 words)
There are many different types of measures that can assist employees in achieving a satisfactory balance between work and other aspects of their lives. ...
4. Negotiating time off (2109 words)
In addition to negotiating working patterns that allow employees to balance work and life, it is also important to ensure that sufficient time off ...
5. The law (1307 words)
Arrangements which allow employees to balance work and home commitments will mainly be achieved through negotiating with employers collectively or, at times, on behalf ...
Useful information/organisations (383 words)
LRD booklets include legal guides and information for negotiators. Relevant titles include The Law at Work 2001; The Working Time Regulations- a practical guide ...