Introduction (490 words)
Repetitive strain injuries (RSIs) are a group of serious and potentially disabling musculoskeletal disorders characterised by pain or discomfort in muscles, tendons and other ...
1. What is RSI? (1835 words)
Repetitive strain injuries (RSIs) are a range of conditions which involve injuries to muscles, tendons and nerves, caused by repetitive movements, normally associated with ...
2. Who is most at risk? (1202 words)
The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) report, Self-reported work-related illness in 1995, found that over 1% of all workers or ex-workers are affected by ...
3. Preventing RSI (2593 words)
Although there are no specific regulations relating to the prevention of RSI, employers have a number of general legal duties to ensure that workers ...
4. What to do if RSI develops (2783 words)
Advice to members with problems ...
Further advice and information (392 words)
Workers wanting advice on RSI should always approach their union first. Below is a list of other organisations which may be able to provide ...