Introduction (853 words)
Surveillance of the workforce is not a new phenomenon, but new forms of technology now make monitoring easier than ever before. And the types ...
1. The legal framework (3198 words)
The law in relation to privacy and surveillance in the workplace is complex and, to some extent, untested. There are three main pieces of ...
2. General principles of privacy at work (1684 words)
In view of the limited protection afforded by the law in relation to the surveillance and monitoring of workers, trade unions need to negotiate ...
3. CCTV and video surveillance (1566 words)
The use of closed circuit television (CCTV) cameras in public places - for example, on the streets, in shops, buses and trains, pubs and ...
4. Monitoring electronic communications (2478 words)
It is now commonplace for employers to carry out some form of monitoring of their employees' use of e-mail and the internet. This is ...
5. Performance monitoring (1572 words)
As well as using surveillance technology to keep an eye on the conduct of workers, many employers are using technological - and sometimes human ...
6. Medical testing (1232 words)
There is increasing concern about the issue of drug and alcohol misuse affecting people's work, and some employers have introduced drug and alcohol testing ...
7. Employment records and personal data (1419 words)
The Data Protection Act 1998 limits the purposes for which employers can hold data about individuals, and requires that data may only be processed ...
Further information (242 words)
The Employment Practices Data Protection Code, Parts 1 to 3, is available on the Information Commission website, also available is Monitoring at work: Guidance ...