LRD guides and handbook November 2024
Protecting workers from violence and abuse at work

Introduction [page 1] (618 words)
Even before the wave of far-right violence that swept the country in August 2024, unions reported that groups of workers were already suffering ... Subscribers only
Chapter 1
1. What is work-related violence and who does it affect? [page 5] (239 words)
The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) defines work-related violence as: “Any incident in which a person is abused, threatened or assaulted in ... Subscribers only
The extent of work-related violence and aggression [page 5] (1,593 words)
Types of violent behaviour [page 9] (160 words)
Causes of work-related violence [page 9] (590 words)
Who is most at risk? [page 11] (236 words)
The impact of violence on workers and organisations [page 12] (370 words)
Chapter 2
2. The law [page 13] (124 words)
Work-related violence is not explicitly referenced in health and safety law. However, the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) regulator advises that ... Subscribers only
Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations [page 13] (756 words)
Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) [page 15] (436 words)
Safety Representatives and Safety Committees Regulations [page 16] (154 words)
Health and Safety (Consultation with Employees) Regulations [page 16] (60 words)
Enforcement of health and safety law [page 16] (178 words)
Protection against assault for particular groups of workers [page 17] (744 words)
Domestic violence [page 19] (249 words)
Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme [page 19] (238 words)
Union demands for reform of health and safety law on preventing, controlling and reporting work-related violence [page 20] (505 words)
Case law developments [page 21] (1,272 words)
Chapter 3
3. Guidance on tackling violence at work [page 25] (1,282 words)
Online HSE guidance on violence and aggression at work sets out a five-step process for controlling the risks: ... Subscribers only
Provide support for workers [page 28] (121 words)
Union guidance [page 29] (3,196 words)
Racist and far-right violence [page 37] (626 words)
Sexual violence [page 39] (259 words)
Domestic violence [page 39] (391 words)
Chapter 4
4. Union action to tackle violence and aggression at work [page 41] (336 words)
Unions say both governments and employers should be doing much more to protect their members from being attacked and abused at work and are ... Subscribers only
Safeguarding school support staff – the 5-phase plan to end violence and abuse at work [page 42] (81 words)
Freedom from Fear [page 42] (276 words)
Railway safety [page 42] (257 words)
A roadmap to improve bus worker safety in Scotland [page 43] (322 words)
Supporting and dealing with pupil behaviour in schools [page 44] (440 words)
Striking in response to violence and abuse in schools [page 45] (148 words)
Body-worn cameras [page 45] (44 words)
Exclusion of MPs under investigation for violent or sexual offences [page 46] (129 words)
Get Me Home Safely [page 46] (632 words)
Domestic violence [page 48] (67 words)
Further information
Further information [page 48] (63 words)
CWU ‘bite back’ campaign video re dog attacks: Taking the Lead Part 4 - Royal Mail with Mark Evans ... Subscribers only