LRD guides and handbook May 2000

Tackling disability discrimination - a trade unionists' guide

Introduction (617 words)

Trade unionists have been involved in campaigning for rights for disabled people at work for many years. In a recent case, the CWU communication ...

1. Discrimination and disabled workers (943 words)

There are currently over 6.5 million disabled people of working age in Great Britain, or nearly one fifth of the working-age population, according to ...

2. The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (3351 words)

Only recently has legislation outlawed discrimination on grounds of disability - 20 years after the first UK legislation outlawing discrimination between the sexes. ...

3. Tackling discrimination within the workplace (2828 words)

Union negotiators can use the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (DDA) to ensure that employers are fulfilling their obliga-tions not to discriminate against disabled workers. ...

4. Equality for disabled members within the union (3169 words)

Trade unionists have played an important role in the disability rights movement and many unions have active disabled members' groups that have been working ...

5. Employment services and supported employment (1166 words)

Employers and disabled individuals can get advice and financial assistance to facilitate working from the government's Employment Service. Disability Service Teams are based in ...

Further advice and information (669 words)

There are a large number of disability organisations in the UK, many of which provide advice and support on a particular disability. The organisations ...